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Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions:

Formulario de Contacto

Is and its contents illegal?

Answer: No, all the data is randomly generated, no real data is used, therefore it is not illegal. The data is generated through algorithms that randomly take generic data and combine it to create data that SIMULATES being real, clarifying that it is NOT real, it is just a SIMULATION. It is worth noting that we do not agree with the use of the generated data for illegal activities, and we will provide information to the appropriate authorities (if requested) about individuals or entities who abuse the data generated on the site or who request the creation of real data through our contact methods.

Can I obtain real data on

Answer: No, all the data is randomly generated, no real data is used, nor will it be used, so the answer is a definite NO.

What are the generated data on used for?

Answer: That depends on the imagination of each person.
Initially, was conceived as a test data generator for validation and review of registration systems in personal projects, but to date, we have learned that the generated data has been used as fictional characters in novels, video games, internet identities (for the protection of real data), etc. We invite you to let us know through the contact form the type of use you have found for the generated data.

I'm building a registration system and I need more than one identity, is it possible to get a database with the data generated here?

Answer: Of course it is possible, if you need more than one identity, we invite you to visit our website: Where the same generation algorithms are used, with the big difference that on that website, you can select the output format of the data, from a MySQL Script, XML, HTML, to plain text. It is possible to obtain up to 200 identities with just the click of a button.

What technologies are used in

Answer: We only use PHP and HTML. In this answer, it is worth highlighting one point, we do not use databases, the algorithms were designed to generate random identities, once an identity is created, it is practically impossible for the same identity to be generated again.

Can I get a copy of the code of

Answer: Unfortunately, it is currently not possible as has closed-source code for commercial purposes. Maybe in the future, we will release it under an open-source license.

I belong to an educational institution and we want to know if it is possible to study your code or part of your code?

Answer: As mentioned earlier, it is currently not possible to show the code, but it is possible to study the algorithms. If you need our collaboration for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES, we can provide the assistance of one of our engineers free of charge, only the travel expenses would be covered by your institution. If this is your case, please send us your proposal through the "contact" form for further consideration and follow-up.

Where do the data provided by come from?

AnswerAs mentioned earlier, we do not use databases, which means that the data is generated using random combinations of thousands of numbers or words. Therefore, the chances of the generated data corresponding to a real person are null. In the case of phone numbers, only international prefixes for each country are used. In credit card numbers, they are only random numbers that are validated using the Luhn algorithm. The expiration date and CCV/CCV2 code are also random numbers, and no algorithm is used to create them.

We hope we have answered some of your questions. If you have more questions about, we invite you to submit them through the contact form.